Bacterial Leaf Scorch Treatment in Fort Worth, TX.

This lethal tree disease is rapidly destroying many popular shade tree varieties in the Fort Worth area. This incurable, destructive disease infects the tree's vascular structure and prevents the tree from transporting water and nutrients throughout its system. Live oak, red oak, laurel oak, and black oak are amongst the many oak varieties being decimated by bacterial leaf scorch and certified arborists and tree care specialists are aggressively battling this disease. Additionally, maples, elms, dogwood and a plethora of other tree varieties are targeted by this deadly bacterial nemesis. Premature defoliation is an early symptom and tree foliage develops brown edges that eventually cause the leaves to turn black and appear burnt. Contact an experienced tree company immediately when you notice these symptoms or your tree is exhibiting signs of a dying tree. Bacterial Leaf Scorch Treatment in Fort Worth, TX, call (817) 880-6130 for an Bacterial Leaf Scorch diagnosing!

Diagnosing Bacterial Leaf Scorch Disease

As is common with many tree diseases, BLS targets trees that have suffered stress and wounds. The bacteria overwinter in the invaded tree's vascular tissue and visible symptoms appear in early summer. Compacted soil and outdoor ground areas with poor drainage inhibit proper root growth. Diseased and dead branches and infected ground debris contribute to its spread. It is essential to enlist the services of an arborist that treats sick trees. An certified arborist will examine the tree and provide a detailed diagnosis report.

Treatment Of Bacterial Leaf Scorch

Enlist the services of the best arborist in Fort Worth, Texas. Maintaining the tree's health is of the utmost importance and will enable it to survive longer. Severely infected trees, dead branches, and ground debris must be professionally removed and destroyed by a professional tree removal company. Infected leaves and branches should be pruned by a tree pruning service using sanitized tools. Arbor care professional will inspect the residential outdoor environment and correct areas with poor drainage. Root flare injections administered by a tree expert will protect high-value trees and suppress bacterial levels. A one year warranty is provided for all treatments. Your stately trees increase your property value tremendously and their health should be guarded. Our tree doctors, certified arborist, tree care specialists, and arbor care professionals are highly experienced in caring for the trees within Fort Worth and the surrounding cities. We will personalize a continual tree health care maintenance program to ensure that your residence and your prized trees always remain beautiful, strong and healthy. If you have Bacterial Leaf Scorch on your property, call (817) 880-6130 for a free consultation from a certified arborist in Fort Worth, TX. Updated on April 9, 2019, at 12:05 PM by Arborist USA of Fort Worth.

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