For more than three decades, Arborist USA has provided superior quality tree care services to the fine residents throughout our city and the surrounding region! Our owner and ISA Certified Arborist, tree doctor, tree care professionals and plant pathologist are frequently encountering, diagnosing, and successfully treating live oak trees with serious fungal infections! As you know, the majority of homeowners and business owners do not have the skills necessary to accurately diagnose and treat an oak tree that has been infested with a serious fungal tree disease! Contact Arborist USA today at (817) 880-6130 and request your complimentary consultation with our owner and highly-trained tree care expert!

My Live Oak Trees Are Looking Bad And Then Dying Quickly. What Is The Problem?

When your live oak trees are declining in health, they are likely suffering from a serious tree disease! Do not delay! Your live oak trees are extremely valuable and also add beauty to your residential grounds! Be proactive! Contact Arborist USA today at (817)880-6130 and request an official tree health assessment and diagnosis! Our owner and ISA Certified Arborist will thoroughly examine your valuable live oak trees and provide you with a diagnosis. Our tree doctor will officially determine the reason why your live oak tree appears to be declining in health and the treatment that is needed! Remember, your live oak trees are extremely valuable and it is extremely important to do all that is necessary to ensure that they are strong and healthy! Do not delay in having your prized live oak trees examined! If your live oak trees are indeed suffering from a serious tree disease, you do not have time to lose! Treatment must begin quickly! Call us at (817)880-6130!

How Do I Know If My Live Oak Trees Have A Serious Tree Disease?

Do not delay! Contact Arborist USA immediately at (817)880-6130 and schedule your complimentary consultation with our owner and ISA Certified Arborist! Your live oak trees and their health will be evaluated and we will provide you with a diagnostic report! Our tree doctor will determine the treatment necessary to eliminate any serious tree diseases!

What Serious Tree Diseases Can Cause My Oak Trees To Look Poorly?

You know how healthy and robust your valuable live oak trees generally look! Live oak trees that are suffering from a serious tree disease tend to exhibit many common symptoms. The change in appearance will make it easy for you to see that your prized oak trees are declining in health! Pay close attention to the changes that your live oak trees exhibit, as some serious tree diseases are lethal and could cause the death of your live oak trees! The following are some of the serious tree diseases that can cause your live oak tree to die from a fungal infection:

  • Hypoxylon Canker – This deadly fungal tree disease spreads quickly and destroys your live oak trees rapidly! This lethal fungal tree disease kills quickly and primarily targets trees that have been stressed and weakened. Targeting live oak trees, hypoxylon canker also targets many other oak tree varieties. This dreaded fungal tree disease will not strike trees that are healthy and strong! Unfortunately, when obvious signs of infection are visible, it is usually too late to save the tree! An oak tree that is severely infected becomes a danger to life and property! When you observe that your prized oak tree is declining in health, do not delay in contacting us! Call Arborist USA today at (817)880-6130 and request your free consultation with our tree doctor!
  • Anthracnose – Not only does this deadly fungal pathogen target live oak trees, but it also infects many other popular tree varieties! This lethal fungal tree disease usually strikes during the cool, damp weather conditions of early spring. Although it is unusual for Anthracnose to destroy your live oak tree, the visual indications of infection are undesired and unsightly! Contact Arborist USA today at (817)880-6130 when you observe and sense that your valuable live oak tree may be suffering from a very serious tree disease!
  • Oak Wilt – Stay alert and watch for this very serious live oak tree disease! This lethal fungal pathogen has killed millions of stately live oak trees throughout Texas and the entire United States! Unfortunately, our owner and ISA Certified Arborist, and our tree care professionals are encountering this fungal tree disease frequently, as this deadly tree disease is causing severe damage to the stately live oak trees that grace the established neighborhoods throughout Texas! Oak wilt prefers to target live oak trees; however, no oak tree variety is safe from oak wilt! Contact Arborist USA today at (817)880-6130 if you notice that your live oak tree appears to be declining in health! Oak wilt destroys quickly! Do not delay in contacting us!

What Are The Indications Of A Fungal Tree Disease?

Common signs of an oak tree infected with a fungal tree disease include a thinning canopy, premature defoliation, and thinning and chipping bark. When it becomes obvious to you that your valuable oak tree is declining in health, contact us immediately! Call Arborist USA today at (817)880-6130 and request your free consultation with our owner and ISA Certified Arborist!

Should I Contact A Tree Service Professional?

Definitely! Do not delay, as fungal tree diseases can destroy your live oak trees quickly! Contact the best arborist and tree service company at (817) 880-6130! Call Arborist USA today and schedule your free consultation with our owner and highly-experienced tree care professionals! No matter what your tree care needs are, you can depend on Arborist USA to take care of the needs of your valuable live oak trees!

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